They don't say the 2nd trimester is the best part for nothing....
Firstly, you start to feel 'normal' again... although by this stage 'normality' is a subjective sensation that you start to assume, since it's been over 3 months since you were REALLY your old self...
The APPETITE returns with a vengeance, mood improves SIGNIFICANTLY and your brain
stops acting like a b*tch so much. Of course the waistline disappears for good now, but at least you start to feel pregnant, and accept that you can no longer take the physical punishment of the past. Then you slowly understand why it takes 10months to grow a baby... I think it's to allow us to ADJUST to things so we don't end up suffering permanently with ADJUSTMENT DISORDERS..!
Our First TRUE SCARE: we return all blissful and happy from babymoon, only to hear that dear grandparents (AKA Pa and Ma) had contracted what they thought was PARVOVIRUS B19... that's like a bug that can insidiously infect the poor fetus, afflict it with fetal anaemia, myocarditis or worse than that.... the D word...
So I PANIC... get serology to check for exposure... and WAIT like 1 week for the results... in the mean time... keep an eye out for baby movements...
Which brings me to the next topic! Movements.. the thing all mothers to be anxiously await, discuss and pore over... it truly is a miracle... of course it doesn't help if SO MANY women on worldwide forums seem to FEEL movements at ???14-16 weeks!!! And there I was, all of 18-19 weeks NOTHING!!!! of course my medical brain that barely now exists, reminds me that 1st timers don't feel anything till 20 weeks... but !!!!
Anyway... Madison finally makes her presence known at 19+ weeks!!! It started early in the morning, I finally felt a little flutter !!! It happened again, so I knew it had to be her... not GAS!!!
Ok.. back to PARVOV.... so far so good.. serology negative... then dear ol Madi decides to get sleepy... PANIC... so I rebook the gynae appointment... thanks to Chris who probably had enough of me whining EVERYDAY...
So we make a rushed visit to TPS at KKH on the 29.11.2007 ... and the WAIT was tremendous... we arrive at 1600h, register, urine test done the time we get to see her for 10s it was past 1720h... and all of S$100!!! But it was worth it..
Of course, the mandatory belly pics.... and baby plus.. hopefully Madison will be a content, rapidly latching good kid... hey its 1-2 hours EVERYDAY!!! and the noise... repetitive ear strain...! btw babyplus is a heartbeat replicating machine that i strap on daily for her listening pleasure.. supposed to increase fetal calmness and ability to attend to things later in life... we will let you know!
Firstly, you start to feel 'normal' again... although by this stage 'normality' is a subjective sensation that you start to assume, since it's been over 3 months since you were REALLY your old self...
The APPETITE returns with a vengeance, mood improves SIGNIFICANTLY and your brain
Our First TRUE SCARE: we return all blissful and happy from babymoon, only to hear that dear grandparents (AKA Pa and Ma) had contracted what they thought was PARVOVIRUS B19... that's like a bug that can insidiously infect the poor fetus, afflict it with fetal anaemia, myocarditis or worse than that.... the D word...
So I PANIC... get serology to check for exposure... and WAIT like 1 week for the results... in the mean time... keep an eye out for baby movements...
Which brings me to the next topic! Movements.. the thing all mothers to be anxiously await, discuss and pore over... it truly is a miracle... of course it doesn't help if SO MANY women on worldwide forums seem to FEEL movements at ???14-16 weeks!!! And there I was, all of 18-19 weeks NOTHING!!!! of course my medical brain that barely now exists, reminds me that 1st timers don't feel anything till 20 weeks... but !!!!
Anyway... Madison finally makes her presence known at 19+ weeks!!! It started early in the morning, I finally felt a little flutter !!! It happened again, so I knew it had to be her... not GAS!!!
Ok.. back to PARVOV.... so far so good.. serology negative... then dear ol Madi decides to get sleepy... PANIC... so I rebook the gynae appointment... thanks to Chris who probably had enough of me whining EVERYDAY...
So we make a rushed visit to TPS at KKH on the 29.11.2007 ... and the WAIT was tremendous... we arrive at 1600h, register, urine test done the time we get to see her for 10s it was past 1720h... and all of S$100!!! But it was worth it..
Of course, the mandatory belly pics.... and baby plus.. hopefully Madison will be a content, rapidly latching good kid... hey its 1-2 hours EVERYDAY!!! and the noise... repetitive ear strain...! btw babyplus is a heartbeat replicating machine that i strap on daily for her listening pleasure.. supposed to increase fetal calmness and ability to attend to things later in life... we will let you know!
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