
Monday, December 3, 2007

THE PREGNANCY Part 2: breaking news


so.. on Sunday 08.07.2007, we break the news to Pa and Ma... Took awhile before Ma finally gets round to organising a scan for me with Prof John Tee at KKH... guess she's not used to having to do these things... got me a little upset.. but it could be the RAGING hormones...


Well... that's just the beginning!! Who could have thought that something so small could cause so much STRESS!!

First scan 18.07.2007: nothing much was seen... only intrauterine growth sac, no fetal parts seen... so? repeat in 1 week!

Second scan 25.07.2007: ok..... now the sac is bigger, and a ?? faint heart seen ?? definite fetal pole... repeat scan in 2 weeks!! By now I can think of nothing but the baby-to-be!

Third scan..07.08.2007 well... now definite heart, but still small...8 weeks... good news was the next scan not till week 12 for the First Trimester Screening at 12 weeks!

Basically spent the entire month in agony, anxiously checking for bleeding or cramps..morning sickness...which on one hand I did not wish to have, but on the other hand it reassures that the pregnancy is taking off...

Well.. I suppose I got pretty lucky, 1st trimester was mild by industry standards... mainly severe sleepiness and evening inability to eat much.. some nausea if I ate "healthy" or tried to eat my own cooking... or foods that I used to wolf down...


YES!! for all things UNHEALTHY... Mos burgers, hot dogs, CHIPS!! anything salty and fried.. KFC yum... vegetable.. YUCK...

BUT in exchange.. I was completely off my usual ice-cream, chocolates and anything sweet... apples REALLY turned me OFF... hence no apples for the first 20+ weeks! Unbelievable!

Well... 04.09.2007 :we passed the first trimester screen with flying colours... finally a GREAT scan where we saw Madison for the first time properly. Dr Kenneth Quek at TPS did the honours... and Madison was soo co-operative, let us see the nuchal translucency and the nasal bone after awhile! Heng Fok's wife was also there! Expecting their 1st !

The eagerly awaited fetal anomaly scan on 30.10.2007 couldn't come fast enough... for some reason, everyone had predicted we were going to get a BOY... so it was a mild surprise that Madison was in there instead.. but we were HAPPY... everything was GREAT!!!

And the best part... we were OFF TO BABYMOON 1 the very next day!! 31.10.2007....

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