
Monday, December 3, 2007


Where do I start??

ok...well... I suppose I had decided awhile ago that I would get pregnant and have a kid by 30...

I've never been a "kid friendly" person... didn't really fancy getting pregnant, going through delivery and destruction of the pelvic zone or the responsibility of looking after another being other than myself or Chris!But Chris has always wanted a little version of

I went off the COCP... and WAITED.... that's where it got a little SCARY .. when things didn't automatically "happen"... for some reason I'd always imagined it would happen ??immediately for some reason!

well... let's see... July 2007: sitting for GDFM exams.. really stressed and staying at home to study and study till your brains just about pop we weren't really expecting anything to happen..

Then the usual story... hey... missed a period... boobs getting SORE... time to test... exams just over... probably going to be ONE line....

07.07.2007: BINGO!! 2 lines.... I couldn't believe it!

Then comes the full on PANIC: WILL IT CHANGE BACK???
So... off to the pharmacy and buy some more kits.... guess where they sell the CHEAPEST pregnancy test kits ever!!! TTSH retail pharmacy! So I buy like 4 sets... and immediately repeat...

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