
Saturday, April 9, 2011

New milestones

Before I forget, I think I better get this down.

Annika started crawling at 8 months plus 1 week. It was amazing. One day she was immobile, the next day she figured it out and started moving! I got it on video so I'm happy. She doesn't have alot of photos, unlike Madison but she's got quite a bit down on video.

We took her for her 2nd Prevnar shot yesterday and I was really dismayed to find out that she hasn't gained ANY weight for the past 2 months! How can that be? She grew taller though. Madison was 9.1 kg at 6 months, and Annika barely made 8.8 at 8.5 months! That really worried me. Plus she's not wetting her overnight diaper much. Is she not getting enough? I thought she was but this lack of weight gain is stressing me out. The paediatrician didn't think she really needed more feeds but wanted me to make sure my supply was ok. Maybe I don't feed her properly at night when she does wake because I kind of doze off but surely she'd wake more if she was hungry? This is annoying. She is sleeping better these nights though and it's SO nice to sleep 6 hours in a row. ARGH. She is difficult to feed during the day. She doesn't want the bottle if she is wide awake ( at her 3Pm feed she barely takes 50ml! ) and I can't be home to feed her everyday! She doesn't mind bits of food like small bits of bread and fruit but isn't really a big fan of my purees. I'm going Western this time round... Madison had the porridge with liver/meat thing but she gets more pasta/chicken or pork or fish/carrot/avocado type puree. And she gets them in cubes.

What to do? I know I probably shouldn't stress over it; if a patient came in with the same concerns, I'd probably reassure them anyway. She's developing fine otherwise, she's so sociable, happy and ACTIVE! Annika's really into EVERYTHING these days and it's really hard to keep her still!

Now I have to keep an eye on her weight and probably make an effort to try and feed her properly whenever I do. Sigh... so hard to get everything right. The poor 2nd kid.. always has to suffer the 'lack of time' thing.

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