
Monday, June 7, 2010

Difficult decisions

Not me.. .thankfully, this time...

Geok has been offered a new job, after going through countless interviews and applications. She's not a doctor, so I suppose the selection process is somewhat more challenging than what we have to go through.

After waiting for it for so long, she's finally acheived what she wanted.

But now, she has difficulty making the decision to quit. Why?

Her current job of over 6 years is fairly family friendly at this stage. She is senior enough to be able to work from home and be able to do part time stints. Although the workload is increasing since Elizabeth was born, she still gets to come home at a fairly decent time, and usually gets Fridays off. Not much travelling either, since she is able to reject the travel. Her boss seems fairly understanding.

With a new job, travelling is supposed to take up 30% of the worktime. And of course there is the accompanying uncertainty of work hours, ability to do part time etc.

If she didn't have a child, these concerns wouldn't have been a major factor in deciding whether or not to accept the job. But now, with a child under 2, she is understandably concerned about missing out on Elizabeth's development.

As for me... well... my job at the moment allows me enough time with Madison, although it is less than what it was 2 years ago, it's ok. Madison is older now, and starting to attend school, so other people can keep an eye out for her while she plays.

Of course there are days when I wonder what I'd be if I didn't have a child, we'd have more money and I might have been doing something else. Like a speciality. Or maybe not. But then, money isn't everything, and money cannot buy back time.

Anyhow... number 2 is coming along soon, and I have a feeling I'm going to be stressed for time all over again. At least for 1 year. Sigh...

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