
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Appreciating the GOOD days

I think I might have discovered an epiphany...

After the bad round of sickness for the past 2 months, I am starting to appreciate and enjoy the good days.

I think parenting must be like that. Good days and Bad days.

Bad days: kids are sick, parents are tired and everyone is in a bad mood. Days like that I really wonder about parenting skills, why life sucks and just how tiring everything is.  Days like that I miss the childfree times, sleeping in weekends and holidays, the freedom to stay out late, eat rubbish and do anything we want. Go on holidays at the drop of a hat, ski holidays at that.

Then we get some good days... the kids are finally well, they fight less and we feel more energetic. We still can't sleep in or go on multiple ski holidays but at least I'm not in a constant state of impatience/ annoyance/ unhappiness.

I was having trouble with Madison's apparent bouts of aggression towards her sibling/cousins.. and I think we might have found out why.

When she's at my sister's place for the afternoons, I suspect she spends a large amount of time watching videos on the iPad.

After the last round, we put an end to her iPad privileges and I am pleased to say that her behaviour has improved markedly!

She now plays more amicably and is less moody at the end of the day. I think the mindless watching of videos was probably doing more harm. I just needed my dad to enforce it, since he is quite generous with iPad privileges.

I'm holding my breath to see how long this current "good" round will last.... my next concerns will start when the baby is born.. .

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