Last year I started thinking about school for Annika.
My initial plan was to accompany her for a few months in some form of Mandarin based programme, starting with an hour or so once a week, then gradually progressing to a drop off class, 3 times a week, max.
My preference was also Joy Little, which is a stone's throw away from us, rather than the one Madison attended at Serene Centre.
But, as it turned out.. Joy little didn't have any of those things I wanted. So I hesitantly signed up for drop off classes twice a week starting Feb.
I was(am) still quite nervous so today I took Annika down to the centre to have a second look.
Turns out, Annika went right in, started playing with the stuff at the school! She's really quite a sociable person with an endless amount of energy. No wonder she stays skinny.
And I got to talk to the teacher/principal, and was quite reassured:
1. They allow the kid to be accompanied for up to 2 weeks at the start
2. They are rather flexible in pick up times: so this means Annika can start with a shorter class and be picked up earlier if I so wished.
That really took a big load off my mind. So looks like Annika will be starting next month at the school, and depending on how she copes she might end up going between 3 to 5 times a week.
HMDP: Human Manpower Development Programme
That's the fancy name for the fellowship year.
After all this time, FINALLY Chris will (hopefully, fingers crossed) be exiting this year and become his profession.
After that, he has to consider taking 6-12 months off to work overseas.
Most times the family accompanies the husband.
Should I do that too?
What would happen to the clinic?
What would happen to Warni?
What about school?
But 6-12months seems rather long to be apart too... although my parents did it for a year each.
And it would be time well spent with the kids.
I really don't know what to do.
I know in 5 years time it probably won't matter whatever we do, but for now there is a decision waiting to be made.
Hopefully the answer will come by itself.
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