
Thursday, January 5, 2012

New school year

After a 2 week school holiday, Madison is finally back at preschool.

I cannot imagine what kids her age do at home if they didn't go to school! 2 weeks seemed like a really long time when she was home everyday! I had to think really hard of things to occupy her everyday. It is great that Anthony is here with us at the moment so he's around to referee the kids fights. If it wasn't Madison vs Annika, it would be Annika vs Elizabeth, or in the worse case scenario Madison vs Annika vs Elizabeth and all 3 would be screaming/crying .

Anyway, drop off on Day 1 wasn't too bad. I went into the school with her because we had to find her new classroom. It was great that her Chinese teacher was the same so not everything was new. I think class numbers went up so she had more classmates.

When I picked her up she seemed ok but she did tell me she didn't really talk to anyone. Over the next day or so she seemed a little more emotional than usual, so I figured it must be due to the "new class" effect.

Today, I checked the shoe boxes carefully and then I realized: her best friend was no longer in the school! Most of the other kids were from her previous class but her closest friend didn't seem to be there anymore.

Anyway, I talked to Madison and encouraged her to socialize and talk to her other friends. I think today must have been better because she seemed to be more cheerful and back to her usual self.

Next year Annika will start school with Madison. Already I've been bringing Annika along with me to pick Madison up, so she gets to walk around the classrooms. She seems to like the place, but I guess it will be different once she realizes that I'm leaving her there! But it will be quite different to have both of them occupied the entire morning! I can't imagine starting again with another kid by that stage...

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