Today marks Elizabeth's first day at Mandarin school at Bibinogs.
I told Madison over the weekend that Elizabeth would be starting school with her on Monday, but she didn't respond so I assumed she didn't really understand me.
This morning, Elizabeth came over to my place with Siti ( her carer ). Madison perked up immediately ( she was a little grouchy before that ). On the way to the car, Madison started to hold Elizabeth's hand and they walked together to the car. Madison was really quite cheerful (unlike her usual Monday self) and was chatting to Elizabeth all the way there.
When we got to the school, Madison did the usual thing: get temperature checked, rubbed her hands with disinfectant etc. When it came to Elizabeth, she suddenly refused and wanted to leave. Madison took Elizabeth by her hand and led her back to the teacher. Each time Elizabeth tried to escape, Madison would drag her back to the classroom!
At 12, I went to pick the kids up and Madison was all chirpy. When I asked her how their day went, Madison giggled and said " Elizabeth was crying!" So I asked her what she did. And she replied:" I wiped her face!" I was so proud of my girl! And touched that she could be so thoughtful towards her little cousin! This is despite the awful battles they have at the grandparents' place regularly.
In other Madison related news, we are having a horrible time with potty training the no 2. She is peeing well and can even hold her bladder for short periods of time for us to find her a toilet. But the pooing is posing a serious problem.
After the horrible evacuation that I had to subject her to, I started her on regular stool softeners. She still refuses to go when she has the urge. It ends with an awful screaming session on the toilet. According to parenting sites that I looked up regarding potty training, apparently behaviour training is quite important. She is supposed to get used to sitting on the potty after meals to poo. So, I've been trying to sit her on the loo twice a day after breakfast and dinner. I hope it gets better soon.
In Annika related news, she is getting so cute! Her neck strength is improving by the day; she is able to lift her head up 45 degrees and look around ( although not long ). For the first time ever, she giggled at me on Saturday! Nights are still somewhat erratic, she wakes up between one and three times a night. I sometimes feel bad towards her, she has to play second fiddle to Madison because I need to get her breakfast, dress her for school etc then get round to feeding her in the morning.
I think Annika is going to be one chatty person. Already she babbles and coos endlessly to people ( when she is not fussing or grouchy ). She loves going out, and is the best when we are out shopping -- she loves the lights, the noise and the people.
I just wish there were more time in the day to fit everything in!
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