
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fantastic weekend

Staying at my parents' place over the weekend turned out to be a great thing!

Of course it was nice that there was no one else around, so the house was pretty quiet.

Usually we have to transfer Annika from the cot at Novena over to our place at night after dinner, and I get stressed worrying that she'd wake and then refuse to settle. So it was such a relief to not have to do that on Saturday night after dinner.

And it was nice that Annika got a room of her own while I got to sleep in a separate room in peace! Madison camped over with grandma and boy, was she happy!

The night turned out to be great! Annika slept soundly till 1 am, waking for her usual feed. She settled quickly after that. At 2, I heard noise coming from downstairs, and then Madison crying. Followed quickly by my mom running back upstairs and comforting her. Turned out that Madison had peed in her diaper and it had leaked so needed a change.

The funniest thing happened to me though. I downloaded an alarm clock app for my iPad and though I'd try it out. I set it for 3 AM to pump ( if Annika didn't wake by then ) and of course forgot about it. Fell asleep and then was rudely jolted awake by the sounds of church bells chiming. I panicked and started cursing the bells, and quickly turned the baby monitor on to check if Annika had been disturbed by it. She moved once and then settled by herself. Took me awhile to finally realize that only I was hearing the stupid bells! And to turn it off!

The rest of the night was peaceful... Annika didn't even wake at 5 as per normal! It was also nice that I didn't have to juggle 2 kids by myself early in the morning since my mom was looking after Madison. We went to the Botanic Gardens for breakfast when my dad came back from the airport. In the afternoon Madison had a haircut, and when I turned up with Annika the stylist took it upon herself to cut Annika's hair too. Pretty weird.

Yesterday it was back to the grind. Monday blues all around. I had to take Madison to school and got caught in horrendous Monday traffic. It didn't help that it was also drizzling. On the way there Madison decided to unclip the safety belt that was holding her car seat down. And of course soon after I had to brake suddenly and guess what? The entire seat with Madison came forwards onto the front seat! Was a good thing it was at low speed. OMG. I couldn't believe my eyes when she did that.

Am hoping for a good week this week!

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