
Friday, September 17, 2010

Potty training and sleeping

Yesterday Madison finally voluntarily went potty by herself for the first time.

So many people have been either asking me whether she is potty trained already or nagging me about it, but after a few failed attempts I've decided thus far to leave the issue alone. After all, like the books say, it'll happen eventually.

Anyway, yesterday morning she didn't want to wear her diaper. Which has been happening for awhile. It's just that she refuses to go anywhere near the potty or the adult toilet. So, as usual I warned her not to pee on my bed or the couch. She agreed. After breakfast, I took the 2 kids out alone for a short jaunt to the petrol kiosk then we were fiddling downstairs by the pool, where she promptly splashed the water onto her clothes. When we got home I wasn't sure if she'd peed or it was the pool water. She denied having peed. So I took the opportunity to ask her to use the potty. Initialy she sat on it and I tried the usual tricks, reading, encouragement etc. Then she insisted on taking the potty to the living room, to my chagrin. I caved in in the end. Told her that if she did pee she'd get a reward. That worked instantly. So she got her pack of M&m's. Sigh. So much for trying NOT to use rewards to potty train.

The other thing was that for the very first time, Annika slept through for a really long time! I hope I don't jinx it by blogging about it, but I really should document it this time. She was fussing in the evening at about six, so I fed her and she went down by about seven. I was expecting her to wake earlier since she usually goes down closer to eight. To my great surprise she stayed asleep till midnight, then managed to continue till 6 the next day after a quick feed! I still had to get up to pump though, since I got engorged anyway but it was great not having to settle her in the middle of the night after feeding! I made the mistake with Madison of routinely waking her up in the hope that I could get a regular night time schedule. In the end I'd spend over an hour trying to resettle an woke baby after feeding! That drove me nuts. This time round I'm going to let Annika lead the way. Until closer to 8 months or so, then we'll have to sleep train if she doesn't do it herself.

The 2 girls ended up having vaccinations yesterday too. It was a mad rush getting everyone ready and packed up to go to Kkh but between us all we did it. Madison, being older had to have bribes and promises of treats, but she was a champ at the paediatrician's ! Willingly let herself get examined on the table, just like a pro! I was so proud of her. She cried a little during the jab, but proudly announced she'd had the injection later on. She got her prize at 7-11 afterwards.

Finally, it's really funny the things that she says these days. I keep telling her not to use crying or tantrums to express herself, since only babies do that,a nd babies don't get special treats or outings. She understands but occasionally forgets. Yesterday after her lunch she grouped back into the house and seeing me there, quickly announced :" I no cry!!" of course I immediately become suspicious and ask her if she did cry! She did not admit and then of course the next person I ask is Warni. Who tells me that she did throw a tantrum. Why? She got mad that Elizabeth was faling asleep at the table while they were eating lunch together! Kids..

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