
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 4 post baby

I cannot believe how time flies!

4 weeks ago on this day I was in the final day of the pregnancy, without really knowing it. It was a Wednesday too, can you believe it!

I was at the Gardens walking and having contractions (which I thought were Braxton Hicks!!). Today, exactly 4 weeks later it was like deja vu... except minus the heavy belly.

I am still trying to figure out a routine for Annika, and to make it fit around everything else. Funny how with Madison I wanted it to be textbook right, following the Gina Ford principles. Today, I'm alot more relaxed about it, but I do borrow her ideas to try and work it out.

Initially life was harder because Annika could feed half to hourly. Now that she's a little bigger and probably has some store( as well as a greater stomach capacity ) she can last at least 2 hours. That gives me more time to run errands and do other stuff. I wonder how much she weighs now.
She definitely is 53 cm long. We think her birth measurement was wrong. She measured 49 cm at birth, but when we took her for her jaundice check at day 4 she was 53 cm! We checked it at home and it was 53cm.

This week with Madison is a little better. Partly because I am starting to have more time with her ( Madison ) and partly because she is slowly adjusting to the baby. It also helps that Chris' mum is here to spend time with Madison so that takes some of the pressure off me in the afternoons.

So far Chris has been on call twice, once during the week and once over the entire weekend. Warni has been great. She stayed over all 3 days. We take turns with the 2 kids so it's quite a team effort.

Neil arrived today, and will be staying 10 days. We are really blessed to have a great supportive family on both sides, and I am eternally grateful. The full month party is happening this Sunday, and I've booked Gustos to cater for the guests. We're not quite sure exactly how many are coming, so I paid for 50 people. We'll cook if there's not enough.

To thank Dr John Tee, I went to Jones the Grocer at Dempsey Hill to get a food hamper. Cost me $400! But to be fair, it was a really nice one and they packed it well. I hope he likes the stuff and actually uses it. ( rather than just give it away! )

The next hurdle will be when I have to start work. Am getting nervous about it, especially having to fit feeding around it. With Madison I didn't bottle feed at all because she refused it after 3 months. I'd rather do the same with Annika, but I don't know if I'll have that luxury. I'll take it as it comes. I'm still in 2 minds as to whether to start giving her some bottles during the day.

Hopefully things will start to settle down and Annika will start sleeping longer AT NIGHT... she's been staying up from 2 or 3 am till 5 am the past few nights...

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