It's been a crazy week!
So busy that it feels like there's hardly enough time in the day to breathe. Except when the kids are finally down for the day and I finally get to relax, have a drink and not feel like someone needs looking after/entertaining! But then by then I'm supposed to be sleeping too so that I can cope with the nights.
Annika is definetely more awake this week. So much more aware too, that now for some strange reason I cannot seem to successfully put her down for her naps. Overnight she needs to be carried for most of the day. We're trying to get her on some form of routine but it's not been easy juggling 2 kids. At least with hindsight, I know all this is temporary and she will eventually be on a similar schedule to Madison. So no need to stress about it right now.
Breastfeeding is exhausting too. Now I remember how tempted I was to give up at various stages with Madison. My back, neck and shoulders are aching constantly from supporting her while she feeds. My boobs are needless to say, sore despite correct latching. ( But that's getting better). And the time taken to complete each feed! Then settle her. And then it's close to another feeding time. I really wish I had an iPad right now. At least I could read an e-book while she eats!
Madison is getting the green eyes too. I think the novelty of a baby has truly worn off and she is acting up occasionally. Thank goodness for school 3 times a week. Its funny how a few months ago I couldn't fathom sending her to school every day; now I am seriously contemplating sending her on a daily basis!
Chris has started back at work this week. I was nervous at the start; he was on call on day 1! But I coped alright. It helps that Warni is excellent with kids and she hit it off with Annika on day 1. So because of that I get to have a little break everyday. She stayed over with me when Chris was on call, but Annika was great that night so I didn't need her help. Still, it was a psychological support that I got.
This weekend is going to be another challenge. Chris is on call the entire weekend and so I'll have to figure everything out myself for the 2 kids and his mom . Man. I need more than luck.
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