
Thursday, July 15, 2010

38 weeks

I really cannot imagine that I am actually due next week! It's quite an unreal feeling.

Saw the gynae just 2 days ago and it was such a relief that the baby is already head down. She is just like Madison, moving so much that even at 36 weeks she was still alternating between a transverse and breech lie! Dr John Tee asked if I was in a hurry to have the baby, but I said 'no, it's alright! I am enjoying being able to sleep at night for the time being!' I think some people would choose to induce if they had the choice at this stage?

Other than that, it's the usual pregnancy complaints... chronic back discomfort, feeling heavy and the occasional pelvic twinge. Had a series of bad Braxton Hicks contractions in the middle of the night a few nights ago, that got me slightly worried that she was on her way. But in the morning, it seemed to settle.

On another note, Madison has reached another milestone. No, not potty training, but sleeping on her own.

It began in a rather odd way. Chris usually puts her to bed after her milk/bath/brush teeth/story book routine. That night, on the 26th June, he had a bout of his IBS and left her in the room while he went to the toilet. Twice. The second time round he told her that he needed to use the toilet and asked if she could go to sleep by herself. She said 'yes' and that was that! Since then, we've left her to sleep on her own after reading to her for about 20 minutes. So far so good.

Hence, I'm dreading when the baby arrives, how it's going to all go to waste. Will we regress back to her needing someone to stay with her till she sleeps? That's if we stay at the Novena house for awhile in the early stages. Am really not sure how we're going to cope with 2 at night. I wonder if the baby crying would wake Madison up too.

We had a great weekend last week. Madison was invited to a birthday party at Fidgets at Turf city, and she had a great time. Although she was a little terrified of the games they were playing ( the other kids were around 4 or older). Still, she participated with the birthday song, cake cutting and of course, enjoyed the food. The birthday girl had a delicious durian cake from Goodwood Park hotel.

The very next day we were invited to a friend's house for dinner. There were 3 other kids closer in age to Madison, and they had a great time playing together in the playroom at the house. It is a fantastic room, had mini beds with dolls, a small ironing board and clothes horse with pegs to boot,and a multistorey car thingy with toy cars. The kids were able to entertain themselves while the rest of us ate and gossiped. 2 other friends were also expecting their 2nd and 3rd kids. All due this year!

So, we're playing the waiting game now...

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