
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy week 1 Annika

Today marks Annika's first week!

1 week ago I was still heavily pregnant, experiencing contractions and then having the C section.
Now it seems like an eternity away, and boy, am I glad I documented the experience: I can barely remember the pain already! No wonder people repeatedly subject themselves to the pain and rigours of childbearing.

Annika is cute. No doubt about that. Plus her full head of jet black hair that nobody can resist commenting on. I think I feel more confident and relaxed this time round so I am enjoying her more than Madison at the same stage. I still get a little anxious about her feeding times etc but overall it's better.

Since her bilirubin levels have stabilised, and I am starting to feel a little more on top of things, we've been going out with Annika.

So far, we've been to Starbucks Coffee at United Square for breakfast ( day 4) together with Madison, and to the Botanic Gardens twice. Once after seeing the paediatrician, and the second time yesterday. It was raining as well, and so was nice to be out sitting in Casa Verde, sipping drinks and flipping through magazines. I got to try out the newly refurbished parents' room at the Visitor Centre too, and I must say I am duly impressed. There are 2 individual rooms with a diaper change station and a breastfeeding chair each. The rooms have glass windows that look out to the greenery, and have natural ventilation as well as an electric fan. Nice change from the ones at malls which are enclosed rooms.

I am still trying to get my head around creating some sort of a routine with the 2 kids so that it is easier to manage on a daily basis. Especially when Chris goes back to work and I have to look after them both. I have to somehow give Annika her first feed before Madison wakes, then give Madison her breakfast. Initially probably safer to have Warni come over earlier to help me as well. Then ferry Madison to Bibinogs on Monday,Wednesday and Friday mornings by 9 am. I haven't decided yet as to whether to take Annika along. Maybe not?

At the moment, after Madison finishes class, we pick her up and then send Warni to take her to lunch with Elizabeth at Geok's house. The 2 of them used to eat together at my place but then Elizabeth is rather noisy and screams too much, so I thought it would be safer for them to make a ruckus at Geok's place. After their lunch, we then ferry everyone over to Novena, and then all the kids go down for their naps.

The only thing that doesn't quite fit into the puzzle at the moment is work. I think in that situation we'd probably stay put at Papillon so that I can come home to feed Annika. I know that I could pump but then it would still take time and I'm not sure Warni can cope looking after 2 by herself.

Annika has the funniest facial gestures! She would stop in the middle of feeding to smile, and sometimes even laugh. She does that in her sleep as well, and it startles me. Then there's the pout and the frown.

So... happy first week birthday my darling baby...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Post discharge from hospital

It's amazing how time flies!

I'm glad in retrospect that this time we stayed nearly 3 days in the hospital and so had more time to recover.

They were well spent establishing breastfeeding and getting to know Annika, as well as getting some rest before facing the challenge of life with 2 kids. It was also nice to have a bevy of trained people around looking after me and the baby.

2nd time round is slightly easier. I already know how to breastfeed and that is really half the battle won. It's a little like driving a car or cycling, a little practice and it all comes back.
Recovering from the C section seems to be slightly better in the pain department compared to a natural birth with an episotomy. The wound hurt when I moved for the first 4 days or so, but seemed better today. I took painkillers initially but was able to stop them after 3 days.

The lack of sleep is the killer though. Today is day 5 of sleep deprivation and I am starting to really feel the effects of it. For some reason, I simply cannot seem to fall asleep at night after going through the drama of feeding, changing and settling the baby in the middle of the night. By the time I finally settle myself down to sleep the cycle starts again! And it's hard to sleep during the day too; I feel I should try and spend some time with Madison when the baby is asleep. I'm already fortunate that I have the luxury of not having to deal with housework as well!

Yesterday we were at KKH getting Annika tested for jaundice. Her serum levels reached 252mmol/L up from 167mmol/L just 2 days ago. At 260mmol/L she would require phototherapy. Madison's paediatrician was in the clinic so we went to see her. Today we were back again, and I was mentally prepared for Annika to be admitted for phototherapy already. BUT to our surprise, the level actually dropped to 204mmol/L!

Madison has been a real trouper. She hasn't really been acting up even though I spend so much time with Annika. Today, after the appointment I carried her on impulse ( even though I really shouldn't ) and she hugged me really tightly. I felt sad and teary and realized how much I MISSED her too. My life used to revolve around her; now Annika takes up most of my time. I think she feels it too, but somehow seems to understand that I have to do this. I'm grateful that I have so much support from family during this period: she is constantly surrounded by people who care and look after her really well. The 3 domestic helpers chip in quite a bit in keeping her company too. Also, not forgetting Elizabeth!

At the moment, the greatest fear that I am facing is that Chris goes back to work in a week's time. I am worried about how I will cope with 2, not to mention when I have to go back to work!

But, like before, things eventually sort themselves out, and life goes on... and before I know it, the 2 of them would have grown up and all this would seem like a distant past. I didn't imagine 2 years ago that I could actually get my life back once Madison grew up and became more independent. And so this time, I am enjoying every baby moment with Annika. It is so very short, and so very worth it ! ( in retrospect ! )

Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome Annika!

Well... famous last words!

Annika Chui Yuen Yue was finally delivered on 22nd July 2010 at 0014h.

Quite an experience. Completely different from Madison's birth. First of all, Annika turned transverse at the very last moment, leaving me in a conundrum as to what to expect finally.

SO... on the morning of the 21st, I was woken early in the morning by somewhat painful and fairly regular contractions. Initially I brushed them off as Braxton Hicks, since they didn't seem as bad as the ones I had with Madison.

The pain continued throughout the morning, but I went on the day as usual. Had breakfast with Madison. Then dressed her and took her to Bibinogs for school. Driving there I still had the contractions every 5 to 10 minutes or so, but they weren't too bad. The rest of the morning the contractions continued and I started feeling some pelvic pressure. But my only thought was that since the baby was transverse, I'd end up with a Cesarean section if I wanted to deliver now. So I was hoping they were just early contractions that would stop.

In the afternoon the contractions eased off, and by late afternoon they were almost gone. I was supposed to go to tea with a friend, but asked him to come over to the house instead. ( A good idea, in hindsight!) We chatted until he had to leave for dinner. Then Celine and Aaron came over for a playdate. Soon after the contractions seemed to start up again, especially during dinner, which we had at 8PM since everyone at home was busy. Chris was out with the Hand surgery department for a farewell dinner.

After dinner, Geok drove my car home since Chris wasn't back yet. I managed to put Madison to bed, then rested while waiting for Chris to come home. The contractions were happening every 7 minutes or so. Finally he returned close to 10 PM. We waited another 30 minutes, then decided to get checked at KK hospital.

We called Pa to drop Warni off at our place to babysit Madison while we went. Thank goodness KK hospital is but a 5 minute drive away. I felt slightly embarrassed because the pain still didn't feel completely unbearable, and at times was a little erratic. After all, I had survived the entire day!

At the delivery suite, after explaining the situation ( during which they figured I was a medically trained person, considering I knew more than the average pregnant woman!) they quickly strapped me onto the CTG for monitoring. Just so happened that my obstetrician had been called in for another patient, so I didn't feel too bad making him come in at midnight!

When he finally finished his delivery, he was accompanied by the midwife who told him (surprise, surprise!) that I was indeed in labour, with contractions occurring every 6 minutes. And that I had pretty strong contractions too! Wow! The first time with Madison I thought I was dying and the CTG didn't pick the contractions up!

Dr Tee palpated my tummy and bad news still. She was now somewhat between a breech and a transverse (? oblique). He did an internal examination (ouch!) and I was 5 cm dilated with membranes bulging. He thought he could feel a limb presenting as well. So that did it. Emergency Cesarean section. It was already close to midnight by then.

There were forms to sign, sodium citrate to drink, shaving, changing and finally all the various people explaining the usual things: risk, procedures, consent etc... The anaesthetist decided on a spinal block for me. The block itself was fine, and seemed to work pretty quickly. Only thing was that it wasn't a dense block, but since I'd never had one I assumed that was normal.

The operation was difficult. Coupled with less than satisfactory pain relief, suffice to say it was probably the worst experience ever. Curse words flowed freely from me... Apparently her hand popped out first, and Dr Tee was trying to put it back and look for a leg to pull out. All I could feel was an endless excavation of my interiors! I guess it was made worse by the uterine contractions that continued during the operation.

Finally she was pulled out ( thank goodness..) and that was still not the end! Still more pain while he was ? removing the blood clots and presumably removing the placenta. Argh. Anyway, gory details aside, it did end and I was in bliss. Was shown Annika but seriously, at that time my brain was focused on survival!

So... I spent another hour or so in the recovery bay, managed to sleep for awhile, then was taken to the ward. The good thing this time around I asked for anti emetics before the operation and was given the goodies. So no nausea, unlike the first time when I suffered for almost a day.

Welcome Annika to our family! Birth weight 3550g, length 49cm, head measuring 34.5 cm!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

39 weeks and counting...

Still here...

Little Annika is giving me grief already! Yesterday I visited the obstetrician, thinking that would probably be the last, he would be doing an internal examination and giving me some good news.

Instead... horrors of horrors. The little girl, who was cephalic ( head down ) last week had turned transverse! At 39 weeks! My steadfast doctor, however, said to wait another week, to see if she would turn back down again and have a natural delivery.

I am not so confident this time around. I just hope I don't end up with an emergency Csection.

Last night wasn't great. I've been experiencing more and painful contractions over the past week in the middle of the night. Only they were rather sporadic and stopped when the dawn broke. Leaving me exhausted, of course. But last night, the contractions seemed to be more persistent, and they continued till this morning. They seem to have abated somewhat but I am waiting with bated breath. I still don't think she's head down just yet. I am keeping my fingers crossed that by a stroke of luck things will still happen naturally.

So today... I think I will try and rest as much as possible, and hope that things don't progress until Annika turns back down.... but these contractions are seriously quite uncomfortable!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

38 weeks

I really cannot imagine that I am actually due next week! It's quite an unreal feeling.

Saw the gynae just 2 days ago and it was such a relief that the baby is already head down. She is just like Madison, moving so much that even at 36 weeks she was still alternating between a transverse and breech lie! Dr John Tee asked if I was in a hurry to have the baby, but I said 'no, it's alright! I am enjoying being able to sleep at night for the time being!' I think some people would choose to induce if they had the choice at this stage?

Other than that, it's the usual pregnancy complaints... chronic back discomfort, feeling heavy and the occasional pelvic twinge. Had a series of bad Braxton Hicks contractions in the middle of the night a few nights ago, that got me slightly worried that she was on her way. But in the morning, it seemed to settle.

On another note, Madison has reached another milestone. No, not potty training, but sleeping on her own.

It began in a rather odd way. Chris usually puts her to bed after her milk/bath/brush teeth/story book routine. That night, on the 26th June, he had a bout of his IBS and left her in the room while he went to the toilet. Twice. The second time round he told her that he needed to use the toilet and asked if she could go to sleep by herself. She said 'yes' and that was that! Since then, we've left her to sleep on her own after reading to her for about 20 minutes. So far so good.

Hence, I'm dreading when the baby arrives, how it's going to all go to waste. Will we regress back to her needing someone to stay with her till she sleeps? That's if we stay at the Novena house for awhile in the early stages. Am really not sure how we're going to cope with 2 at night. I wonder if the baby crying would wake Madison up too.

We had a great weekend last week. Madison was invited to a birthday party at Fidgets at Turf city, and she had a great time. Although she was a little terrified of the games they were playing ( the other kids were around 4 or older). Still, she participated with the birthday song, cake cutting and of course, enjoyed the food. The birthday girl had a delicious durian cake from Goodwood Park hotel.

The very next day we were invited to a friend's house for dinner. There were 3 other kids closer in age to Madison, and they had a great time playing together in the playroom at the house. It is a fantastic room, had mini beds with dolls, a small ironing board and clothes horse with pegs to boot,and a multistorey car thingy with toy cars. The kids were able to entertain themselves while the rest of us ate and gossiped. 2 other friends were also expecting their 2nd and 3rd kids. All due this year!

So, we're playing the waiting game now...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Argh... lost another IPHONE!

I just cannot believe my luck.

This is going to be the 2nd Iphone that I have lost in 2 years!

Maybe I cannot own an iphone? Am seriously contemplating not replacing the iphone. Maybe I should just get an ordinary phone and an ipod touch instead.

This time was really silly. I left the clinic for 30 minutes just to pick Madison up from Chinese class. I was not even rushing for time. When I arrived I looked at my phone and contemplated leaving it in the car while dropping in to pick her up. Then, on second thoughts, I thought I'd better bring it along JUST IN CASE the clinic needed me.

The last I recall was bringing Madison back to the car, taking her schoolbag off her back and then loading her into the car. Prior to that I put the bag and my keys ( and presumably, the phone) on the roof of the car while lifting her onto her car seat. Then I cannot remember for the life of me whether I collected the phone when I picked her bag and the car keys off the roof of the car.

I realized the phone was missing just as I pulled into the petrol station after dropping Madison off at home. Frantic, I searched the car and my handbag, and when the phone was nowhere to be found, I drove back to Serene centre to look for it. Of course it was nowhere to be found either.
I tried to ring the phone but it had been turned off. Argh.

I think the reason why I keep losing this phone is that I need to keep taking it in and out so frequently. And because it is big it doesn't really fit into small pockets.

But for now, I think I will go without the iphone for awhile. I have to get the SIM card replaced and use another mobile phone for the moment. This is really annoying. I think things will get worse with 2 kids to rush around for. Sigh...