
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My first parent volunteer experience; meeting old friends

I finally did my first parent volunteer job!

When Madison started school, I was so pumped and full of excitement; to be 'part' of the school spirit, to support her in her next stage of education etc etc.

And then life got in the way.

I don't know why life is just so unbelievably busy. Why does night fall come so quickly and so predictably every day?

As it is I barely have enough of me to spread amongst the 3 kids, my husband, my family, work and the house. All house related things have come to an absolute last in priority. We basically go home to sleep and that's about it. There isn't time anymore to potter around the house, or to do any homemaker type activity like bake/sew/cook.

SO.. I was so psyched to do parent volunteering, but when the crunch came, I just couldn't spare any more time. Doing any volunteering means more time off work, at a time when the clinic is finally picking up and starting to do well. I already take time off work to attend any compulsory kid related event so anything more is too much. Poor Liam wasn't allowed to go to his first Bibinogs excursion because I REALLY could not justify another morning off to accompany him to Jacob Ballas Kids Garden!

Anyway, almost half the year goes by without anything and then fortunately 2 friends with kids in primary one cajole me to join them for Recess mum duty. They both work, so they get the time commitment thing.

It was fortunate that I managed to get the same time slot as them, so today I took the morning off to do Recess Mum duty. Wasn't too bad, except that the weather was horribly hot and humid and we had to stand around policing the kids for just over an hour. I got to see Madison for all of 5 minutes before she went off with her friends. ( which is a good thing ! )

After we finished our duty we FINALLY got to sit down and have drinks! Then the BIG girls came out for recess and my goodness! I cannot imagine the day when my little girls get to THEIR size. We sat at the first table nearest the food stalls and that was a huge mistake. Within minutes we were surrounded by swarms of HUGE girls queuing up to buy food!

Since I had the rest of the day off I also made plans to meet up with my old girlfriend from SCGS who is now a dentist. She works near Great World City so we met there for a quick lunch.

It's really nice meeting up with people from the past and still connect in that special way!

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