
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Colds and holidays


this is one (*&(*&(*7of a head cold.

I don't actually remember ever being sick for so long in my adult life! ( maybe it's amnesia already )

It started with one of the kids.. Annika I think, she had a high fever for over 5 days, cranky, coughing and running nose for the next 10. Sounded like croup, and after almost 2 sleepless coughing weeks I caved in and gave her a dexamethasone shot.

Seemed to do the trick, she got better in a further 2 or 3 days.

Then I caught the bug, after stupidly letting her put the nasal spray in MY nose while trying to spray HERS. DUMB.

Now its been 2 weeks, I've been swallowing blister packs of paracetamol, naproxen and antihistamines like candy.

I sick of having this nasal congestion and particularly blocked ears. So irritating.

So I finally took some prednisolone ( I've always been a non believer in that stuff for colds ) .. but it seems to work!! IT's finally shifting.



Chris has been given the opportunity to go to Davos in Switzerland for an AO course...

so we are ALL tagging along!

It was Pa's idea.. I was actually considering just going without the kids...

It's going to be one expensive trip. We've booked the air tickets.. and they came up to a whopping SGD 14000 already. That's for 6 adults and 4 kids. MH's mother is coming along for the holiday.

We've been frantically searching for affordable accommodation. It's been a LONG search.

We're thinking of going skiing in Zermatt, at the mighty Matterhorn. Accommodation there is crazy expensive. The cheaper options look quite scary old, like 1960s old, and the newest apartments come at rates of over CHF 1000 PER NIGHT! ( 1 CHF roughly 1 USD). A really nice one had a price tag of over CHF 7000 per night. Sleeping 10.

We're still left with the Lucerne leg of the trip. Shabby old apartment or average hotel? The average hotel option came up to SGD 1181 per night for all of us.

But I think we're all rather excited... it'll be the first with so many kids on a long haul flight to somewhere quite unknown to us. I guess the first rule is to simply have NO expectations, relax and go with the flow... if Annika eats only fruit loops the entire trip, so be it!

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