
Friday, November 4, 2011

Back to normal

I'm really glad that Chris is back from his trip to Taiwan.

I took the 2 girls and Elizabeth to the airport to pick him up and boy, did they have fun! Madison and Elizabeth sat right at the back of the Stream, Annika and Warni sat in the 2nd row. Of course I did dole out the lollipops to keep them occupied during the 20minute ride. At the airport they went mad running around, it was quite difficult to keep them reined in!

Chris went back to work the next day, but the good thing is that he's now at KKH, so that means a slightly later start! Yeah! He gets to entertain the kids while I'm getting breakfast ready in the morning, and when he leaves Warni gets in. It's getting hard leaving them unsupervised; takes 5 minutes before they start fighting over something.

Madison is thankfully back at school again after last week's protracted home stay from illness. Her school is pretty fun! They've organised a zoo trip on the 15th so I think she's pretty excited about it. They get to go in this huge school bus, see the sights and then have lunch there.

Annika is starting to talk. Her babbles actually make sense now. It's quite strange, to realize that she can understand and respond appropriately. ( of course she could have probably understood a while back but still.. she's a baby!!) I still feel guilty that she gets less one on one time than her sister, but on the upside she does learn quickly just by observing the older one. I'm also not sure when to start her in class. Madison was 15 months when we started her on hourly accompanied Mandarin classes. I'm not really sure if it made a difference or not. She seems to have picked up more Mandarin being at her current bilingual school than at her previous Mandarin only school.

I'm thinking that I might just wait till Annika is closer to 2 then start her directly in a drop off Mandarin speaking playgroup? Although when I ask her if she wants to go to school she actually nods her head.

The clinic has been really quite quiet recently.. sigh.. nothing really new.. There's been the issue of an enbloc being raised for the clinic property... part of me hopes it will go through, then I would have the option of quitting? But I would feel bad towards the few loyal patients that I have. Maybe be part time employed and see my patients by appointment? But I suppose that would defeat the purpose of starting out on my own anyway.. to have time for the kids... it's really quite frustrating. I wish someone could tell me what to do.

One last thing.. Annika is due for her measles/rubella/mumps vaccine. We missed the appointment last month because of the never ending series of illness... but now I have to give it to her myself ( because the silly paeds clinic at KKH is FULLY booked till the end of the year! how silly is that! ). ARGH... she won't get autism from that, right... I know it's not true but still... it's a fear..

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