My baby is turning one in July.
I cannot believe time has passed so quickly, in a blink of an eye she is becoming a toddler.
Annika is now walking with aid, and cruises easily. Her fine motor skills are pretty good too and she can feed herself quite well with her fingers. She copies her sister alot, and tries to do the things that Madison does, like colouring with texters or playing with stickers.
Her communication and social skills are well developed too, and she babbles endlessly. She is pointing with purpose now and clearly indicates her wants either by pointing or babbling. Of course she has the advantage of competition with older kids, unlike Madison, who was the only child at the same age.
Chris entered Annika in a baby competition over the weekend. It was the KKH best breastfed baby contest. We had to go over to the hospital at our scheduled time of 1030am, and it felt like I was taking a med school exam! We registered, then were taken past a lecture room into a smaller room where we had to wait outside for our turn. Inside the judging room there were 3 women who were "assessing" us. 1 examiner, 1 interrogator and 1 observer. Just like an OSCE.
Madison came along for the ride and they were really smart to play a Barney video ( obviously for the accompanying siblings!) in the lecture room. She sat out there waiting for us.
Not sure what happens next. They let us go after we cleared the neccessary hurdles.
As for Madison, she had her first proper tennis lesson on Saturday morning. We were really lucky, she finished the class just before it started to pour! I think she enjoyed the class, the rest of the day she was parroting what the teacher told her. I think she's forgotten it now though.
We had a quiet Sunday. It was raining cats and dogs the entire day and flooding in many parts of Singapore. Not easy trying to entertain 2 kids indoors the entire day. We went shopping in the late afternoon trying to find tennis gear for Madison. Not easy at all! I still cannot find a kiddy sized cap which she needs.
This weekend Chris is on call. NOT looking forward to it. I am giving Warni her monthly day off then too so that we can do stuff on the other weekends. It'll be my first time with 2 kids sans help ( hubby OR helper OR grandparents! )
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