
Friday, January 28, 2011

Settling in

Finally it is DONE!

We've completed the move, the Papillon apartment is looking all sad and forlorn..

Now for the settling in... Chris and I settled RIGHT in... simply LOVE the new place! It's great having a room to ourselves again, this time complete with a TV, walk in robe (small one though) and a bigger bathroom.( which leaked but that is another story!)

Madison has had a harder time. I didn't realize a kid so small could actually form an attachment to her old room. The first few nights were tough. Madison was crying and refusing to go to sleep, then during the night would wander around the apartment. Thank goodness Anthony is staying with us and he helps us deal with her when she comes into the living room (since he's bunking on the sofa bed there!). Because she doesn't get enough sleep she is fussy and clingy going to school and has been refusing to go to school. Initially I was worried something bad was happening at school but her teachers have said that she is GREAT during school hours! ( Well, she IS happy after school when I pick her up!) Then she kept saying she wanted to go back to the OLD apartment, to her OLD room...argh...

BUT... we had ONE good night last night. We came back early to the apartment, let BOTH girls go for a dip in our freezing COLD pool ( surprisingly Annika tolerated the cold for awhile! ), then when I put Annika down for the night Chris took Madison out to pick some pizza up for dinner ( for the adults! ). She got her small scoop of Tillamook ice-cream, then went to bed without too much fuss. AND SLEPT ALL NIGHT WITHOUT TEARS!! HOORAY! I'm hoping this signals a turn for the better?!!

Annika took a few nights to settle in too, but being younger I think she tolerated the move better. It's just that her room seems a bit of a hike from mine now, when previously we were practically 'next door'. Unfortunately she seems to have lost her ability to settle and go to sleep on her own!! Partly my fault... she has had to go to bed later ( at nap and night time ) because of Madison.. so she falls right asleep when nursing. Previously she would be up for a little while after a feed then I would put her to bed WITHOUT nursing. Oh well... I figure it's temporary... she won't nurse forever and she will drop all naps except for post-lunch in another few months! And I'm hoping somehow as she grows older she'll just follow her sister and go to bed on her own!

It's CNY next week already! The girls have all their New Year stuff but I have yet to get anything new to wear... probably shopping time this weekend?

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