It's been rather busy and stressful these past few days...
Yesterday was a good example. The kids had to be dropped off at school, after which the service man was supposed to come and check on my Delphin vacum cleaner( AND HE DIDN'T TURN UP!). Then, for some reason the clinic decided to get busy and it was a mad rush to see them before pick up time at 12noon.
Of course, by this time Annika was grouchy and hungry so I was driving like a mad woman to get everyone home for lunch and naps.
When Annika was finally settled I had to grab a quick bite, pump and then go back to work. Again, another mad rush to see patients, then it was off to the airport to pick up my mother-in-law. Thank goodness traffic was smooth flowing. When I got to the airport, thinking I would be late, it was a pleasant surprise that she had not picked her bags up yet. So, a quick toilet break and a nice cool drink. She finally checked out close to an hour after the plane touched down. We went straight back to Novena, where the kids were all up and playing already.
By this time, Annika was tired and hungry for her last nap so off we went for a short rest. Being an evening nap, she was up 30 minutes later and then it was time for Madison's dinner! So, I handed Annika over to Warni, kept Madison company while she had dinner. When dinner was done, Pa came home and of course we headed out shopping.
Thank goodness United Square was busy but still had reasonably short queues at the supermarket. We picked up a few items and headed home. OF COURSE we forgot about the traffic home. Even though the shops are a 5 minute drive we took close to 15 minutes to get home. BY WHICH TIME our dear Annika was grumbling AGAIN! ( BEDTIME )
So... quick bath for Annika, quick feed and then lights out and down for the night. We finally had dinner, then it was time to go home to put Madison down for the night. Of course when we get home I STILL have to pop out to get some milk from the convenience store, wash and sterilize my pump, prepare Annika's bottles for the next day THEN finally shower and RELAX.
Oh.. and Annika turned 5 months yesterday! I wanted to get her a little cupcake or muffin to celebrate but in the craziness of the day, FORGOT. As usual. I am suffering without my iphone's calender.
I also have started giving Annika a little bit of solids just because she seems so terribly interested in our food. Everytime I eat something she actually brings my hand to her mouth and try to 'eat' it as well! Yesterday she got steamed sweet potato with spinach. Which she took fairly well although she gagged a few times. She doesn't gag with banana. Tonight I am going to try cereal with banana. I've got an avocado that I'm waiting to ripen. I think the solids help a little. She managed to go a longer time without a night feed last night. It was so nice to get that extra sleep.
The other thing that really took up quite a bit of time was Christmas shopping. Finally completed it all this afternoon. Quite a headache thinking and buying presents for so many people!
Today I brought Madison down with me to the clinic. I thought it would be a quick one, then I could take the kids over to Novena, but the patient TURNED UP LATE! ARGH! Madison was really good though. She sat quietly in my room, covering my desk with stickers while I attended to the patient. She also pooed while she was at it, and when I asked her after I was done, her reply was:" No toilet in the clinic?" (!!!) As if she would poo in the toilet anyway! But it was funny. We were late so I had to take her over to Novena in her stinky poo diaper. Boy.. was the car stinky all the way there!
Maybe I should go get Annika her cupcake/muffin today? Hm...
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