
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Regression, TIRED!

Argh... what is with potty training?

Finally we have resolved Madison's fear of no 2 ( pooing ) only to have her regress back to using diapers full time!

We changed her back to diapers because she had such psychological difficulty with doing no 2 in the potty and then ended up constipated. Took over 2 weeks for her to resolve her thing with pooing. She is better now, but for some reason 'lost' her ability to use the potty for pee! I think she will be able to do it consistently if we lost the diapers and used normal underwear, but then how would we solve the pooing issue?

Anyway... I thought maybe I should give the reward system a go. So today I drew up some columns on a piece of paper and prepared some shiny star stickers. I also offered her M & Ms for every star that she got. Let's see if it works.

As for Annika, I think that sleep that I got a few weeks ago was a fluke. She's back to 2 night wakings regularly, and even 3 wakings, but I only feed her at the first 2. I tried NOT feeding her but she created such a fuss it was easier to just feed her. And boy, did she seem hungry!But am I TIRED...

Otherwise, she's a happy baby, all squeals and conversation recently. She's got the cutest smile and the most expressive face ever! Add on the baby curls piled on top of her head, she is a magnet for attention. People keep asking if she's Korean or Japanese. So far no one has mistaken her for a boy.

Where does all the time go? It's already mid November! Before long Christmas will be upon us. We are expecting some visitors come December. Chai is back for his holidays on the 4th of December, and then Chris' mum will visit for a month starting Christmas eve. Should be fun....

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