
Friday, January 8, 2010

Gynae visit

Today we had the 2nd gynae visit.

Am now past 11 weeks, although I can hardly believe it. Seems like a world of difference compared to the first pregnancy. I suppose having another child makes time always seem rather short.

Madison was also sick the past 3 days with a high fever. Then Chris said :"oh.. might be dengue fever!" Of course afterwards that was all I could think of. The fever came right out of nowhere; one moment she was well, the next she was crying and fretting. The only person who picked it up was Chris ! ( terrible mommy... I was actually telling her off for throwing what I thought were tantrums! )

So the past 2 nights were pretty bad. She ended up in bed with us halfway through the night and refused to go to sleep. We were also giving her sponge baths the first night, which she cried throughout. Fortunately the fever seemed to respond to my combination concoction of oral and rectal paracetamol.

Thankfully the fever seems to have settled on the 3rd day... and we're holding our breath. But definitely no class for her this weekend.

So... gynae visit seemed rather trivial in comparison ( poor baby 2 ). I nearly forgot, if it weren't for the iphone alarm that I set!

I even offered to go to the gynae alone, as Chris was still in the operating theatre with a burns case. Fortunately he made it to the visit; Dr Tee was running late anyway.

All went well, but I'm getting pretty convinced that we're having another girl. I'm thinking at this stage not to find out the sex till birth.... although I think my mother-in-law isn't going to be happy about this!

Well... another test scheduled at this stage for Monday the 11th. It's the first trimester screening test for Down's Syndrome. After that we're pretty much in the clear until the fetal anomaly screen that Dr Tee wants to do around the 21st week. I thought it was pretty late but he seems quite confident that mine is just another routine low-risk pregnancy! Actually, there was a little blip... my urine test showed up glycosuria today, but Dr Tee didn't even blink at that... asked if I'd just had lunch and then dismissed it. The next visit with him isn't for another 6 weeks.

Otherwise, a pretty routine visit. Dr Tee's clinic assistant is a really lovely lady called Sally and she keeps things humming along during his sessions. I think she's been assisting him for quite a long time already. I was really surprised when she remembered me right out the first visit this time round.

so.. hopefully things stay calm and I don't get diabetes!

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