
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Inspired... by a kid

No... not my own... although she does inspire me to greater good ( ie her needs over mine... )

It was a teenager that I'd seen previously in the clinic.

I've been pretty down about the clinics, being so quiet that they are that I really wonder how much of it is due to me... ok, ok... negative self talk..

Still, things being equal, I look at envy when I see how other people are so busy with their successful practices and then I think, maybe I'm not cut out for this. Better to be employed then it's not really my problem. When I was employed I didn't seem to have trouble with getting patients to see me. Location problem? Pricing problem?

Anyway... it was the teenager's mum who volunteered that her son refused to see all other doctors apart from me. I was really flattered. Of course it's extra stress that I have to be responsible and extra careful with him but I try to be like that anyway. Terrified of missing some thing.

So, I guess, it means that I should plow on....? I am hoping in the near future I will look back at these times and think that I had more time with Madison, and that it was all worth it!

On another note, I was snooping around the net and checking out other people's blogs. Amazing place, this blogopshere. It's like a window into other people's lives, people that I probably would never meet. ( they live in the USA ) These women are mostly mothers, who enjoy running, some of which work (run less) and others stay at home to look after their kids ( run ALOT more ) Anyway, they sound really fit. And fast. They run distances over 10 miles easily and regularly. I don't think many people here do that. That's like 16K! I think most people here manage around 10K. Maybe the really serious marathoners do much more than that. I guess that's why we're not that fast!

Madison also seems to be running a temperature this morning. After her shot yesterday. As usual, the KK style proved right, with the manhandling and multiple nursing staff helping me keep her absolutely still so the paediatrician could stab her with the needle... all I can say is that "thank goodness for videos on the iphone (Little Mermaid) , Youtube and Malteasers !"

We were supposed to go to the zoo with Celine and Aaron this morning, but we shall see about that... maybe the Botanic Gardens instead?

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