
Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Pictures of the new baby....

Madison is really taken with Elizabeth... she would say "baba" and point at her. And when she hears cries from upstairs she immediately stopped her current activity and indicated for us to bring her upstairs check on Elizabeth.

The proud new parents, Geok and Munhon... Hard work to say the least at the moment... of course the usual neonatal jaundice has set in so they were off to KKH just like we were at that stage.

But.. they are coping remarkably well. Geok is breastfeeding and finding it a little tough going but she's trying her best and staying up all night to do it.

Munhon has given his daughter baths for the past few days and is enjoying the process, although the first time was pretty hair raising... commands being issued from all corners with watchful eyes all round!

But... time marches on.. it's close to 1 week already... Elizabeth has a really loud shrill scream/cry that is unmistakable, and she wants to be carried the entire day. But then don't all babies do that?

It's great seeing a newborn... having been through all that it brings back memories, but at least now I can appreciate the baby without having to look after it! You really forget how tiny they are at the start, how much help they need to survive.

Not forgetting the chronic sleep deprivation.....

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