
Monday, September 15, 2008

6 months old!

The 13th of September has come and gone..

I cannot believe time has flown past so quickly, although I must admit it has been the longest 6 months of my life.... so much has changed yet so much has stayed the same. Having Madison has been a bittersweet experience, filled with happiness, tears and angst... but like all parents say... I have no regrets... only sweet memories of my DINK lifestyle that are slowly fading away.

We celebrated her half year birthday at home with a barbeque style lunch. Pa and Ma specially went to the market and bought some chicken and meat. Nancy cooked an Indonesian style Mee goreng to complement the meal. Madison was really good too, eating her porridge which was made from fresh liver, pork and stewed with rice. She really loves her cooked meals... I think I should give up on the commercial rice cereals.

Chris had a long weekend so he spent most of the time at home with Madison too... it was nice having him home for a long period... otherwise work keeps him busy most of the day during the rest of the week.

Madison now sits well unsupported and can use her hands to reach for things,especially cups filled with liquids! She is able to stand supported by herself for a few seconds but is rather unstable with that. Rolling over isn't something she seems rather inclined to do, but she was suddenly able to roll back from her tummy over the weekend. She doesn't really succeed at crawling just yet, preferring to walk assisted!

Her favourite activity at the moment is banging away at the electronic keyboard, her Fisher Price toys and walking around in her walker. Of course, shopping is another all time high for her, and she is able to stay occupied once in a shopping mall or outside the house!

Another thing I noticed.. we take her to lunch outside and bring her food along, and she gets quite a good appetite eating outside! Either that or she is hungrier at lunch compared to breakfast. She is getting better at drinking from a cup, an adult mug at that too...

Madison is starting to indicate her wants but is not yet at the non specific "mama/dada" stage just yet... I am patiently waiting for the specific "mama" , although I suspect I may prefer her mumblings later on when she can scream and shout for things!

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