
Monday, April 23, 2012

Birthday weekend

3 parties this weekend that just passed!

The first belonged to Chris' colleague. Her son turned one so she had a lunch party at TOTTs' bistro. Totts is a huge baking/cooking supplies shop at the end of Bukit Timah Road. It was pouring when we went. Party went ok, cupcakes were a hit!

The second party was in the afternoon. Caroline's eldest turned 6. Pizza and pasta party, ended off with cake and candles. Didn't stay late because she just had her 3rd son less than 3 weeks ago.

On Sunday, we had just 1 party to attend. This belonged to Madison's classmate, so Chris took her after her golf lesson. It was a 'Prince and Princess' dress up party too, so Grandma's fluffy white dresses finally got used. This party was the longest, started at noon and finished at 4pm!

Warni had the day off on Sunday too, so it was awfully busy just getting stuff done during the day. The grandparents came over for dinner as well. Pa and Geok did a competitive race in the morning too. Well done.. 10k for Pa and the half marathon for Geok.

This past weekend the final contents of the Novena house were moved out. It is officially a shell now. I think power is to be turned off sometime this week. I haven't been back there for almost a week! Have to remember to take some photos. Although we probably should have done that a month ago. We're obviously not terribly sentimental people.

Time is moving terribly fast. It's almost halfway through the year!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Goodbye to Family home

It has officially begun.

Sunday my parents moved out of our family home of 26 years, and the movers shifted most of the stuff out.

Over the next few days more things will be taken out, including light fixtures and electrical appliances. Power will be turned off on Wednesday.

I'm not sure what will happen over the next few months (to ?1 year) as my parents have temporarily moved to G and MH's house. I don't know if they'd want 4 kids terrorizing their home everyday.

It's a little sad, saying goodbye to the home that we grew up in, and where our kids spent a few years too. But it's also exciting, looking forward to a bigger facility for everyone to use. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a protracted construction nightmare. The Swimming club was supposed to be completed last year but is still a work in progress.

The other thing that's been on my mind is that of purchasing a piano. With this move, the current piano is to be moved to a makeshift kid play area at the office space near the Novena house. And as it is, Madison doesn't practice during weekends if we don't go over to the grandparents' home. Maybe it's time we considered having a piano at home if we are serious about her (and Annika) playing it for the longer term.

The only trouble with that is

1. cost ( I imagine they cost at least $5k? )
2. space! It's so big! ( we'd have to shift furniture around )
3. Maintenance. ( regular tuning? )

In other news... baby fever! C has delivered her 3rd,one friend is halfway through her 3rd pregnancy, another friend is actively TTC, and another is JUST pregnant. And it seems like half our apartment block has newborns or under 1s.

But now's not the right time for us. Chris HAS to clear his exams, and he has to go overseas next year for at least 6 months. I really don't want to be stuck with a newborn, a toddler and preschooler to look after by myself WHILE the grandparent's house is in shambles ( ie no place for the older 2 to run amok/stay over once in awhile ) and Chris is merrily away 'working' overseas!

As for Annika, seems like Bibinogs was a right decision. She loves going there, and already in 3 sessions has started picking up Mandarin words and can say her name. Amazing.

Anaesthesia at SGH is going so-so.. I still harbour thoughts of quitting but I shall persevere. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger, right? I have to see where it will take me. It must be going somewhere?

Monday, April 9, 2012


Annika finally started at Bibinogs last week.

After much consideration, I decided to pull her out of Joy Little and enrol her in a parent accompanied Mandarin and Tots class twice a week.

And she is so much happier for it!

Initially she was hesitant about the class, but once it started, she was enthusiastically clapping and singing along with the teachers!

Today she was so excited about going there, she got her schoolbag ready and wanted to carry it around while waiting for the rest of us to get ready.

Madison, on the other hand.. grrr.. totally driving me nuts in the morning.

Took FOREVER to eat breakfast. Fighting with Annika/ taking her stuff etc. Then out of the blue she decided to fling this hand held candy filled Thomas-the-tank engine toy across the living room. Of course the thing broke and out spilled all this multicoloured choke-risk beads of candy!

OMG. I was so pissed. We had like an hour to get everyone dressed, teeth brushed, clothes changed, breakfast done and she just had to do this.

I made her pick it all up and throw the stuff out. Then after that she starts fiddling with her terrapin and nearly spills it and it's water all over the floor.

Anyway... we managed to get everyone to school. Annika did great at Bibinogs. Although she does get bored quite quickly. And asks to go home. But once they start some interesting activity she quickly participates again. Of course come nap time she is knackered!

In other news... the grand old dame of dear Novena house is to be knocked down within the next weeks. That poses some child care issues, but I figure things will sort themselves out when it happens.

We've also had a change in tenant at our old apartment, and the new one wants furniture and fittings. How come I didn't think of that the first time and keep my old furniture??!! So dumb. So we had to make a trip to good ol' Ikea to pick some stuff up. And INSTALL the stuff. I thought "ooh.. would be fun to have the kids around while we set the furniture up!" Of course now I know better. Hindsight.

A good friend also delivered her 3rd boy over the past week. Super cute newborn. NO wonder they call it baby fever. When you look at the innocent small baby you inevitably think " should I? " Haha.. yes...for about 30 seconds... then the PTSD flashbacks of sleepless nights, endless boob feeding, daytime zombieness happen.. yikes... thanks, but no thanks! Why can't we skip all that and just go to 2 years old?