
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Recovering from illness; skype

Yes.. I hope everyone is finally on the mend.

Madison went to school this morning for the FIRST time this week. Thank goodness it is waterplay day today so she didn't put up a fuss going there. (but to be fair to her, she's usually pretty good with going to school)

The night before was still horrible. Annika woke up crying with diarrhoea and Madison followed suit with coughing paroxysms so bad she puked (AGAIN) on the final clean duvet.

Yesterday was a public holiday ( Deepavali ) so no one had to go anywhere. We spent the morning at home, and girls were playing with the neighbour's daughter. Annika had a few more yucky diapers, but then was better by the evening. Celine is back in town for a month so I went over to see her and her kids at lunch.

Last night was better... it was heavenly to have the kids sleep through without event!!

Of course I medicated them both with antihistamines and Vicks, and it worked. So silly not to have thought of the Vicks earlier on.

Chris is away this week for a conference in Taiwan, and so far we're coping ok. Actually it's pretty much like usual since he's working during the day anyway, but it feels like an endless call because he's not around in the evenings and night. We've been skyping the past few days so we won't be strangers when he gets back. I think he's enjoying himself.

We all miss him quite a bit and this morning Madison asked me where he was. When I asked the question back she said "at work". But she did say she missed him. Then I told her we were going to the airport to pick him up on Monday she then added that she wanted to go INSIDE the airport. ( when we dropped him we didn't go in and I guess she was disappointed since I promised her we were going to the airport)

As for me, this 1 week away makes me rather nervous about Chris going away for his fellowship. We were contemplating the options, and considering him going by himself. But 1 year! I'm not sure if I could take that. 1 year of being responsible for the kids. But the alternative of being overseas without support for 1 year isn't quite palatable either. And what would happen to the clinic?

Monday, October 24, 2011

This month's sickness

And the winner of this month's childhood ailment is : Gastroenteritis!

It has been horrible. At least I'm getting desensitised to paediatric secretions the rate this is going.

Last night was a nightmare.

The 2 girls were already in the throes of another upper respiratory tract infection with the endless sniffles, coughing and sneezing. Annika went from sleeping well through the night to repeatedly waking and crying EVERY night the past week. Terrible.

Then last night, right smack at 11PM Annika started crying. I thought it was her usual crying for no particular reason so I let her fuss for a little while. Chris was on call so Warni stayed over ( thank goodness for that! ). Then she went quiet so I thought she settled. I crept over to her room to check and actually Warni had gone in to rock her back. I think Warni must have tried to put her down because she started crying again. Then I heard the bedroom light come on and knew something was up. She had thrown up.

Ok. So maybe she coughed till she puked? We changed her, changed the sheets and I gave her a dose of cough mixture to try to settle her runny nose. I brought her to my room to put to sleep and she went back to sleep right away. Just as she hit the bed, next thing I knew Madison was up and when I went to check she too had puked. OK... alarm bells going off. Must be a bad cough bug? She got a dose of antihistamines too and some nasal spray. Her sheets were then changed and I got Warni to sleep in her room.

By the time we settled Madison, Annika was up AGAIN and had puked AGAIN! On my bed! OMG! On my new Sheridan sheets/ duvet cover! She was soaked. Again, she had to be soothed, changed and right then Madison started puking again.

By then I had given up hopes of sleeping. I realised it must in fact be a different beast I was dealing with. Weighing up my options, I decided to drive over to the clinic to pick up some anti emetics. Suppositories and injectables.

So then both kids got their suppositories, then puked AGAIN afterward... we were changing linen non stop! The pile of dirty smelly laundry was a small mountain in the balcony. I couldn't decide whether to just give them the injectable. Finally I did. And decided if that didn't work we were going to the emergency department.

After the injection Madison puked once more, but I think that was it. We were sitting in the lounge room floor watching nursery rhymes on the iPad at 2 am.. then the kids basically K.Oed on the floor. We put what remaining clean pillows and blankets out for them and they slept the rest of the night there.

The next day we all just stayed home for the most part. The kids had no appetite and were grumpy but at least the puking stopped and they were drinking.We drove Chris to the airport, and then made a detour to the beach to get some fresh air.

They spent most of the afternoon sleeping. It was amazingly QUIET. By evening things were looking better and they tolerated some soup. Of course at first no one wanted to sleep at night. Eventually they all did though, and it was a sweet relief that everyone slept peacefully till almost 7am!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Swimming weekend


We were invited to the Singapore Island Country Club over the weekend to go swimming. It was great! To confess, it's the 'A' club in my books because of it's proximity to town, it has 2 beautiful golf courses ( which Chris likes ) and has a decent swimming pool. Not sure about it's gym. Of course the 50m pool cannot compete with the one at the Singapore Swimming Club, but the SSC is primarily a swimming club rather than a golf club.

We were there earlier than my friend so we went straight to the poolside to wait. Of course the 2 kids couldn't wait to get into the water. The kids pool is fanstatic! There were 2 little water slides just perfect for toddlers/preschooler ( ie not steep AT ALL), water fountains and a bubble area. The water was amazingly warm too! The kids had a ball. Annika was in the water for an hour!

When the kids had their fill of baby pool water, we had dinner at the poolside cafe. As expected club food was good, the kids enjoyed their dinner, then dessert of ice kachang. Madison didn't want to go home after that. She thought Jiaen ( my friend's kid) was going to be staying at the club overnight and wanted to do the same!

Madison can now swim with the aid of arm floaties! It was amazing. She just 'got' it one day and could put her head in water, put her arms out and kick! I couldn't believe my eyes. After all this time, trying to coax her, dunk her etc and she can do it on her own. Annika is so cute, trying to copy her. So she too can put her mouth and nose underwater while blowing bubbles, and on the occasion that she slips and ends up dunking herself she is ok with it. And can obviously hold her breath underwater because she isn't spluttering or choking/coughing when we get her up.

In other news, I have decided to halt art class for now. It's getting to be too much of a hassle trying to get out of work in time to take her there every Wednesday. The owner of the studio mentioned that she might consider moving nearer to Newton, so I told her that I would go back once they moved. Phew. Finally did it. It's a pity because Madison was pretty good at it.

In family related news, G and MH are in the process of moving. They're renovating their new LANDED property so it's a work in progress, and have rented their 2nd apartment out. So they've moved back semi permanently until their new place is ready. I don't know how they do it! 3 properties with the last being a house! MH seems to work way less than Chris; he's always at the Novena house instead of working. G gets her entire 4 months of maternity off and then does part time for the rest of the year, while I get 1 month off for maternity! Chris is perpetually at work operating or having to travel to conferences/meetings.

Sigh. Chris is off at the end of the month to Taiwan for a conference/meeting. For an entire week. And he's on call the weekend prior. IE this weekend. So 2 weekends without him being at home. Argh... HAVE TO MAKE PLANS... I don't think I could stand being at Novena the ENTIRE time for 2 weekends in a row. I'd go crazy. The kids would be fighting endlessly.

Finally... G is having another party to celebrate Victoria's first month this weekend. I promised her I'd make a cake and so I think I'd better get started on it this week. Probably Wednesday... it'll be the first time I'm trying to use sugarpaste to decorate so I'm not sure how that'll turn out. Doesn't matter. Practice before I do it again for Madison's 4th.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Wedding weekend

Two of the last few single people that we know finally tied the knot yesterday.

(I think times are hard for the singles of my age... the pressure must be quite bad..)

The wedding ceremony and reception was held at the Grand Hyatt Singapore. We weren't invited to the solemnization ceremony because it was largely a family affair, but we attended the reception lunch.

It was held at The Gallery at the hotel. A very interesting concept. The ballroom was completely unconventional. One-third of it was devoted to an open kitchen and buffet table, so guests were mingling around the kitchen while chefs prepared canapes and drinks for us. The groom is Muslim so no alcohol was served, but we had the most delicious lychee iced teas. As for the buffet tables, instead of traditional food warmers the food was kept warm in woks sitting above induction cookers.

Once past the open kitchen area, there was a red carpet leading into another area were tables were laid out. There was a small stage as well. It was all very tasteful. I think there were about 20 tables or so, so it felt quite nice and cosy.

Lunch started at 130pm after the couple made their entrance. The good thing about a buffet lunch is that the event gets started quickly and we all get to eat pretty much straight away. I feel too old to be attending wedding dinners that take 4 hours. It's much too tiring. ( although I am aware I probably may have to do this all over again for our kids! )

We got to actually eat the wedding cake ( unlike traditional Chinese weddings where the cake is usually fake ), and each took a box of macaroons home. Nice.

The rest of the weekend was fun too. We got invited to a friends' house Saturday night for barbecue chicken quesadillas/tacos since she was craving Mexican food (pregnant). We brought a neighbours' kid along with us so there were 5 kids at the house. Not bad! They played quite well together. Only Annika got left out because she was the littlest. Not happy.

Sunday was the wedding lunch, then dinner at home with the neighbour and her daughter. She wanted me to roast a chicken so I did. Not that well BUT her finicky eater loved it! So that saved the day. She and Madison spent the ENTIRE day together! Swimming in the morning, drawing on Madison's room wall after that (GAH!), lunch, watching Finding Nemo then dinner together! Madison didn't nap the entire day and then she was SUPER grumpy at 6. Fell asleep eating a cookie.. it was funny.

All too soon... Monday already... back to the grind... HAVE TO HAVE TO plan this weekend...!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Making friends

I am really pleased with Madison's progress since she started school!

My initial intention for Madison was for her to become more sociable, meet other kids her age and generally have fun.

This weekend past she was really good! We had some friends over and she was quick to befriend the kids. They were running in and out of the pool, to the playground and then subsequently playing in her room! I was really surprised to see that she was confident enough to get into the bigger pool by herself with arm floaties.

Later we had dinner together, and she wanted to eat with the kids.. no feeding or helping her thank you!

In other news... we finally did it.. moved Annika's cot into Madison's room. Actually Madison was the one who initiated it.. We asked her previously and it had always been a flat NO. So when she asked I thought.. why not?

That was 2 nights ago.. and now I am exhausted!

Getting Annika to sleep wasn't too bad... she would occasionally look up to see Madison but then would settle because she is usually quite tired.. but then she would wake at some unearthly hour like 430Am and of course.. wake Madison up in the process!

And then Madison would try and shush her.. resulting in fully waking Annika up.. OMG.. 2 awake kids at 430!

Last night was a little better.. Annika slept till 6am.. and then they were BOTH up for the day! ARGh... not sure whether to persist or to revert back to 2 separate rooms!

Annika is fast approaching 15 months... when Madison was the same age, I started her in accompanied Mandarin classes. Now I am not sure whether I should do the same or just wait till she's older. I'm thinking maybe next year would be better? Annika wanders alot more than Madison.. not sure she'd be able to sit down for the sessions... but then would that get better next year? Transport/timing is a little tricky too.. maybe Wednesday afternoons when Madison has art, I could take Annika to Mandarin, then get Warni to wait with Madison after art till we're done to go home? Madison would have a 25-30 minute wait though...

As for Madison, she finally finished her group music classes for the year. She had a concert last weekend and it was quite funny. The teacher lined all the kids up to play and when it was finally her turn she was so distracted by the cameras that she forgot to play!! After the concert the teacher treated all the kids to Ben and Jerry's ice cream at the parlour just outside the music school.

She starts individual lessons this Friday evening. I'm not sure she's ready but there aren't any more group sessions for this year. I've paid the teacher for 1 term so we'll see how she copes. This teacher is pretty strict too and I'm not sure if that's good for now. We'll see...