
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Toys for Madison

Grandpa is a major shopper for Madison...

Let's see... since she turned 4 months on the 13th of July, she has acquired a new walker toy from Mamas and Papas, which she loves, as it has a steering wheel, horn and live music!

Just yesterday we made a jaunt down to United Square and bought her a huge inflatable swimming pool that we inflated immediately on returning home.

Today Madison got her swimming gear and went for a dip in the pool.. which took ages to fill just a little...

She protested initially when put into the water, but with a little encouragement and play she soon took to it like a little pro.... and we had to take her out after a good 30 minutes because she was starting to get cold!

I can't imagine the days that will follow when she will want to live in that pool!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nursing Strike


Last week she had a pooing issue.. which settled finally on Day 5.. after countless days of wondering and worrying.

This week is a more unsettling issue: NURSING STRIKE!

She is unusually fussy during feeding, sometimes refusing to feed.. yesterday was terrible... she fussed and fretted from the time soon after she woke, had a late morning nap and a good feed at 10 am then nothing significant until 4 PM! She would fuss every time she was put to the boob... but would be perfectly happy being carried or played with! IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!

According to websites and books its a common phenomenon that occurs between 3 and 8 months that sometimes results in weaning but apparently it is supposed to be a temporary phenomenon that make take days to weeks to resolve! AND IT DEFINITELY TAKES PATIENCE to wait it out, as well as a good breast pump!

I am hoping it will resolve soon with some sleep in between (this goes on at night too) ... it does feel like a rejection but I am the adult and should know otherwise!

Friday, July 4, 2008

All about poo

We always hear horror stories about how couples become obsessed and engrossed with their little tykes poos and feeding....


Madison is usually spot on regular with her pooing, being a breastfed baby she would naturally poop quite quickly after feeds on a daily basis, usually more than once a day.

Since she turned about 3 months her pooing became more infrequent but still daily and watery.

Then all of a sudden, starting this week she just STOPPED pooing. Literally. Sunday was as per normal. Monday comes along and she does NOTHING. Then Tuesday and Wednesday passed. Nada!

If it had been a gradual reduction in frequency I would not have taken much notice but our dear girl went from 3 times a day to zilch. Everyone started to ask whether she had pooed for the day everyday!

We were wondering when to do something about it.... I think we would have tolerated 1 week.

Thank goodness this morning she finally decided to do one....

AND IT WAS SMELLY! For the first time ever! and formed too... like adults! I couldnt believe my eyes... I can't imagine what formula fed babies poos must be like...super whiffy!